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Course Overview

1. Concepts of Automation

a. What is automation
b. Why automation – advantages and disadvantages
c. What’s the ROI
d. What to automate , What not to automate
e. Is 100 percent automation possible
f. Take on Manual v/s automated testing
g. Test levels – unit v/s Integration v/s E2E
h. Test Pyramids and their structure
i. Automation effort estimation

2. Selenium as a testing tool – with Practical Problems and Challenges

a. Basic functions and operations
b. Locators
c. Xpath v.s Css v.s id – Comparison of locators
d. Architecture for selenium
e. Windows handling
f. Pop ups handling
g. Tabs handling
h. Explicit / Implicit waits
i. Hard wait
j. Writing some scripts for the sample project
k. Identify the test cases and their automation
l. Practical Scenarios and Exercise

3. Automation Scripts and Framework – Live Project Examples

a. Cucumber as a BDD framework
b. Maven
c. Page object model as a design pattern
d. TestNG and Assertions
e. BDD v/s TDD approach
f. Running scripts from command line
g. Cucumber and reusability of steps
h. Framework Architecture
i. Points to consider while creating the framework
j. Reports and their creation

4. Agile Processes with Practical Scenarios and Live Examples

a. Agile – scrum and Kanban
b. How testing process works in Agile
c. How automation works in Agile
d. Automation on Sprint levels
e. Processes being followed for automation
f. Automation Coverage
g. Automation Metrics in real time
h. How to estimate the test efforts of the stories in agile
i. Typical day to day work for an automation tester

5. Logical Programming questions

a. Some Frequently asked questions – around 20-25 programming questions

6. Core Java concepts – Most Frequently asked topics in Interview

a. Concept of class and objects
b. Polymorphism – function overloading and overriding
c. Final – method , class and variable
d. Static keyword
e. Inheritance
f. Types of inheritances – multiple vā€™s multilevel
g. Dynamic Polymorphism
h. Constructors
i. Abstraction
j. Interfaces v/s Abstract classes
k. Static keyword
l. Interfaces and multiple inheritance
m. This keyword
n. Super keyword
o. Exceptions and their handling
p. Collections – Set , list , Map and Array

7. CI/CD and Git

a. What is Jenkins
b. Practical example of creating the pinelines
c. Scheduler for pipelines
d. Reports from the pipelines – Jenkins cucumber report
e. Practical advantage of creating the pipelines
f. Git and its usages
g. Practical Scenarios and Exercises

8. Manual Testing concepts and questions

a. Basics
b. Test planning
c. Quality – meaning and importance
d. Verification v/s validation
e. Test Levels
f. Bug Flow in Jira
g. Smoke v/s Regression
h. Basics of NFR – Performance , Usability , Accessibility etc
i. Practical Scenarios and Exercises

9. General – HR questions and scripts for Technical Questions

10. Resume preparation

Duration 30-40 Hours
Seat avaiable 15
Price £200.00

15 in stock

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